猫である 名前はNia
This is a cat. It's name is Nia
Nia attracts customers
In Japan, there is a cat doll
called a MANEKINEKO, it means beckoning cat.
The movement of one hand up and down is the Japanese way of saying, come here.
Nia is like the beckoning cat of Sho-Sushi.
Nia is an free-spirited cat.
No one knows where or how Nia lived before that.
Cats are capricious, disappearing with a whim and returning with a whim.
Nia is a perfect uninhibited cat.
Nia being pampered
Nia sometimes rolls around with a rumbling belly.
Most of the time, Nia is hungry and wants food, or Nia is bored and wants you to play with it.

Nia in the wild
Nia can run quickly.
It have not forgotten its wild instincts.
Its quick and lively movements will surely surprise you.
Dependable Nia
Nia is very well behaved, sitting next to Sho-chan while he is working and showing its affection.
Since Nia arrived, we have been selling more and more nori-maki for lunch.
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